Arrival and Dismissal FAQ
What if my child has PTA notices?
Children should bring notices to their classroom and give them to their classroom teacher.
What if my child forgets his/her sneakers, instrument, lunch, or homework?
Drop off the forgotten item in the main office. A staff member in the Main Office will contact your child’s classroom teacher.
What happens in inclement weather?
Look for the red flag at the main and the kindergarten doors. This is the signal for children to come inside without their parents. The exception to this is kindergarten parents can come in and wait in the entryway (not hallway) until supervision arrives at 8:15. During inclement weather, children will enter the building at their designated door as soon as they arrive and wait in the hallway with one exception—First graders enter the main door with second and third graders. Supervision will be provided in all areas.
What if I need to contact my child’s teacher before school starts?
We ask that you call the school and either leave a message or leave a request that you would like to speak to your child’s teacher before the school day begins. You can always send in a note with your child. Emails may not get read in time to respond appropriately. You can also drop a note off in the office.
My child is having separation issues.
Whenever there are extenuating circumstances, please know that you can speak to the school principal, the school psychologist, and the classroom teacher and we will make arrangements. It is our experience that children have an easier time saying goodbye outside, lining up and coming into the building with their classmates. At other times, extra help is needed and a parent can ease the transition better than the school professionals. Every situation is unique and we will work together to provide your child with a smooth transition from home to school.
My child is bringing in a large project, instrument, or birthday treat.
You are welcome to help your child drop off the item. You may come in and drop the item off in the classroom or music room when the bell rings at 8:20 am.